
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cleaning Day!!

Today Blue Lake was beautiful! The sun was shinning and the sky was blue. It felt like summer. Bear and the others decided to sleep the majority of the day, so I decided to entertain myself by cleaning and studying a little. My room looks so beautiful.

My day was nice and simple, so today's post is nice and short. But I won't forget to conclude with my 7 things:
1. I am happy that the weather was great today
2. I am happy that I decided to clean today
3. I am happy that I decided to study today
4. Cleaning the bathroom took some effort today
5. Studying Calculus II took some effort today
6. Not procrastinating took some effort today
7. I am grateful that I have a netflix account to watch TV

Goodnight Guys!!! XXOO

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bear's Big Day

To start today's post off I would just like to wish everyone a happy April Fools day!!! I would like to share one of the "jokes" that I found most funny that I found when searching Youtube.
Funny Huh? I thought it was great!!! I actually thought it was true then I looked at the, well if you can't laugh at your self who can you laugh at?

Back to the main Event -> -> ->

So four major things happened today to Bear, so I thought I would make little sub posts for each of the events. Here goes:

Bear Goes to School

Since I am such a worrier and Bear is so attached to me (really its the other way around, this just sounds better), I decided to take her to school with me.  My Fridays are always kinda mellow, and easy, the only reason I would need to be at school early in the morning would be because I am crazy... There is a general area that I have to park my car or else I would be thinking about the parking spot all day... So generally on Wednesday and Fridays I wake up the same time as I normally do on the other days, at seven. I put bear in my pocket and brought her to school and waited in a student lounge until it was one in the afternoon and my Biology class starts. I sat with her in the lounge and she started this new things today where she pounces when she gets excited. It is really cute. When I would put my hand in my pocket she would pounce with excitement and lounge herself into my hand. I swear that she loves being handled more than she loves being left alone...

I caught Bear on a little adventure in my jacket
During class it was so funny, Bear woke up twice and decided to take a little jog while I was taking notes, she was tickling me and running around my neck. It was a good thing that I caught her then before the instructor noticed her.  She didn't do much during my math class, except for popping her head out every once in a while to check out the scenery.

Bear Meets Lover

Earlier in the day while I was waiting for my class to start, I did some Rat reading. It was almost every website that said that I need consider having more then one rat so that they can keep each other company  and play and groom each other. So that gave me the conclusion that I should get her a companion. I went back to the pet shop where I got her and her mother and the rest of her litter mates were still there. It was great, I bought one of her sisters. Here she is. I named her lover so I can say I have Lover-Bear in my pocket.

Lover is the one with the Dark head and white body
It actually took me a while for me to name her because I really wanted to name her something like moose or raccoon. The thing is raccoon and moose just doesn't suit her. When I held her next to my face like I do Bear, Lover bit me, and that is actually how I came up with the name.

When I first introduced Bear to Lover, it was like Bear knew that Lover was coming, she was so excited that she did her pouncy thing again. Then she jumped on Lover and kissed her, and began grooming her. Soo cute.

Lover on the top and Bear on the bottom

Bear Meets Daddy(Stewy)

I know I have mentioned before that I have had many animals in my life. What I did not mention is that my Brother Junlong and Hollianne his girlfriend currently have many animals. Within the many animals that they have, there are 3 male rats, 2 black and white and 1 albino red eye. They are not all named, but the 2 black and white rats recently started picking on the albino rat Stewy. Today the two scratched Stewy's eye and caused it to bleed a little. Hollianne was really worried about Stewy so I mentioned maybe keeping Stewy with Bear and Lover. So we gave it a go.

This is Stewy
After putting Stewy in the bin that I am keeping Bear and Lover in Stewy began daddying the two young babies, beginning with cleaning them and guarding them. Bear and Lover would be sitting in the cubby and Stewy sat right in front of it and stared anyone who even glanced at the cubby down. I thought it was hysterical. When all of them were sleeping Stewy would sit on the two youngsters and keep them warm.
Stewy daddying Bear and Lover, keeping them warm

Bear Goes to Dinner at Mom's

So here is the last post, and I am going to keep this short because I am getting really tired so I am just going to focus on the high lights. My mother is trying this new thing where we meet once a week to eat and talk and watch movies and just catch up. This week would be the third week. It was actually really fun, Bear and Lover slept the entire time in my front pocket.

Bear and Lover in my pocket, so Pocket-Lover and Pocket-Bear

While we were at the dinner Hollianne did my makeup, I love it, it is way darker then I normally have it, but I thought it looked great.
The make-up job Hollianne did
I would like to conclude with my seven things:
1. I am happy that Stewy is getting along with Bear and Lover
2. I am happy that I get to have a page of notes for my math test next week
3. I am happy that Hollianne and I are getting closer
4. Not freaking out when I was driving with Du today to quite a bit of effort
5. Not letting Dude put his paws on my pocket where Bear and Lover were took some effort
6. Not falling all over the place when I took my contacts off took some effort. (I left my glasses somewhere) 
7. I am grateful that I have internet in my life, it makes it so much easier then the alternitive

Bear and I, XOXO from both of us, Goodnight