
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cleaning Day!!

Today Blue Lake was beautiful! The sun was shinning and the sky was blue. It felt like summer. Bear and the others decided to sleep the majority of the day, so I decided to entertain myself by cleaning and studying a little. My room looks so beautiful.

My day was nice and simple, so today's post is nice and short. But I won't forget to conclude with my 7 things:
1. I am happy that the weather was great today
2. I am happy that I decided to clean today
3. I am happy that I decided to study today
4. Cleaning the bathroom took some effort today
5. Studying Calculus II took some effort today
6. Not procrastinating took some effort today
7. I am grateful that I have a netflix account to watch TV

Goodnight Guys!!! XXOO

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