
Thursday, March 31, 2011


So its Thursday today which means YAY bowling. but today is not only Thursday its also Cesar Chavez Day, so no school. I have heard many comments today about how it is a useless holiday, and the majority of the people I have met in my life don't even know who He is. I just want to make a comment about how I feel about this holiday, I feel that Cesar Chavez day may not be an imortant holiday for many people but it is important to understand what it is about before jumping to conclusions, I admit I did not even know what it was about or who Cesar Chavez is until today. If anyone else would like to understand it, here is a website. Now that that is said, back to bowling. 

I went to Bowling today not knowing if there was even going to be class, there wasn't but some people still showed up so we bowled together. I was the only girl there and I was really missing my team mates, but it was good, because I was bowling with people that were WAY better bowlers than I am. I brought Bear with me to the class and she was in my pocket the entire time I was bowling, she really slept through it. One of the guys that was there (Joel) brought his son Mosiah, he was sooooo cute watching us bowl and playing on his game thing. A little while into the game I thought it would be a good idea if Bear got a chance to socialize with other people, and so I dragged her out of my pocket, and into the hands of Mosiah. It was soooooo cute. I had to take a picture. so here it is.
Mosiah and Bear just chilling
 Also I wanted to give a shout out to Joel who played a nearly perfect game. It was sooo cool to watch. And I would like to thank Ben for giving me advice on how to curve my ball when I bowl, sadly I did not do well, but I will continue practicing so that I can get it right! Also I would like to thank Bryan for giving me positive feedback, and David for offering to share his cake. This is starting to sound like a Grammys Awards ceremony.

Joel and Ben's score sheet!
What really amazed me today was how bear fit into my pocket. I wore a yellow shirt with a tini-tiny little pocket in the front of it. and Bear just fit in it perfectly. see?

the tiny pocket Bear slept in the majority of today.
All in all today was a fun day!
So there is this thing that I do with Toni where she tells me 7 thing that she is grateful for and I tell her 3 things that made me happy, 3 things that required some kind of effort from me, and 1 thing that I am truly grateful for. I want to get in the habit to not only share those 7 thing with Toni but also with my readers. And that is what I would like to conclude with. Here they are:

1.going to the thrift shop today with Hollianne and Junlong made me happy
2.bringing Bear with me to bowling today made me happy, also bowling
3.meeting Tank, Lana's dog today made me happy
4.not buying things I don't need at the thrift shop took some effort
5.not hanging out at Stardoughs took some effort 
6.not being intimidated by my bowling mates took some effort
7.I am truly grateful for having my family in my life 

Bear and I

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